After the hellacious Winter most of the US experienced the past few months, I feel like Olaf yearning for Summer
And now that we've had a few days that tipped the thermometers to 60 degrees, I am ready to start Spring Cleaning.
Closet cleaning, that is.
I have a lot of clothes I need to donate, and my Spring wardrobe could use some updating. I've been doing my due diligence of research, and I've come up with a short Wish List of things I will be on the prowl for as I doing shopping the next few weeks (always looking for a deal, people). Some of the following items will be turned into Picture Perfection Pinspiration Outfits, as many did this past Fall.
Here we go!
1. Maxi Dress
2. Denim Jacket
3. Sheer Blouse
4. Non-Fitted Skirt
5. Floral Patterns
Here are some of my Pinspirations:
What I love about these pieces that despite being a short list, I can mix and match these few items to make a bunch of outfits. I am UP for the challenge!
Check back over the next few weeks as I make my pinspirations come to life!
So now I need to know:
What's on YOUR Spring Wish List?
If you had to pick 5 mix-and-match items, what would they be?