Is there anything that says "Easter" more than beautifully decorated hardboiled eggs?
Not really, friends. Not really.
My sisters and I grew up in an age before all the awesome Egg Decorating Kits of today were created. Back in the day, my mom would fill coffee mugs with Heinz vinegar. My sisters and I would then drop one colored PAAS tablets into each mug, watching them fizz while the color dispersed. One of our parents would carefully bend the wire dippers so we could lower an egg into our desired dye.
Some years we got creative, dipping each egg half in a different color. One year we got clear wax crayons with which we could draw pictures or words on the eggs before dying them. Other years we kept it simple: One color per egg. Period.
One unfortunate tradition we got into was something my Dad called "Army Eggs." This happened one year when my sisters and I were getting a bit silly, and we would dip an egg into each color, resulting in a brownish-greenish-camoflaugey egg. Needless to say it was not one of the more attractive eggs, but it was a humorous tradition that we enacted year after year.
Heinz and PAAS are still the All Star Egg Dying team for Easter. You'll be able to find 7 new PAAS Egg Decorating kits in stores this Spring, including the Volcano Eggslosion (which uses melted crayon shavings for instant color) and Touch of Velvet (a kit that uses double stick adhesive and flocking powder to create fuzzy shapes). We were sent a great package of samples to check out the new products. You can imagine Chica and Bug were beside themselves with all the fun kits to try!
But PAAS and Heinz aren't stopping at just "dyeing eggs" this year. Oh no. They've taken it a step further.
They've gone virtual.
That's right! Heinz and PAAS have teamed up this year to combine Easter fun with social good. Introducing the Easter Egg Decorating app. From now until March 31, when you decorate and share a virtual Easter egg using the free app, Heinz and PAAS will donate $1 (up to $25,000) to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. That's an Easter activity that you can really feel good about.
The Easter Egg Decorating app is a barrel of stinkin' FUN. And if you are a parent you will appreciate the fact that it's all the fun of dyeing Easter eggs WITHOUT THE MESS AND CLEAN UP.
Can I get an amen?
Here's how it works:
1) Go to
2) Pick your color.
3) Watch the dye and water get mixed together virtually and your egg gets dyed.
4) Decorate your dyed egg with the Decorator and Sticker tools.
5) Enjoy your creation!
You can download the Easter Egg Decorator app on iTunes or go to the website
Now go and decorate eggs for a good cause! Woot!
Disclosure: I was provided a package of samples to facilitate this review.