We have had a FANTASTIC start to the weekly Write It Wednesday link up! Last week's prompt garnered some awesome pieces. If you haven't read them yet, you can find the WIW 10/10/12 link up here. I'm looking forward to seeing who participates this week and what we are inspired to write!
How does it work? I'll share a writing prompt below. You take the next few days to write a piece around the prompt (paragraph, short story, poem, vignette - whatever tickles your fancy), and then submit it on Wednesday when I post the WIW Link Up.
This writing project is for ALL writers. Working those creative writing muscles is challenging but leads us to better writing. So don't be shy.
Remember, you don't have to be a blogger to link up. You can use Google Docs or Instablogg create a one time post (see my quick tutorial on how to create a post for sharing in Google Docs).
Here is this week's prompt:

Whew! Take the next few days to think and write, and I'll post my entry along with the link up first thing Wednesday morning. Leave a comment on this post if you'll be participating!
Happy writing!