Today, I’ll share with you reason #1:
They celebrate community.
I love that. In fact, Grower’s Markets are the ESSENCE of community, built upon the foundation of local fellowship. Something that I’ve personally enjoyed about the West Chester Grower’s Market is the way they’ve incorporated fun events into their summer lineup.
This week is no exception. In honor of Father’s Day (which, for those who are behind on the times, is THIS Sunday, people), the WCGM is hosting a Father’s Day PIE EATING CONTEST!

I’m still in the process of convincing my happy-to-not-be-in-the-spotlight hubby to compete. We’ll see how that turns out Saturday morning. The only requirement? Fatherhood! The contest begins promptly at 10:00am RAIN or SHINE (with another round at 11:00am if there are enough participants). And, let’s be honest, friends: What is a contest without PRIZES? There will be a $25 Market Bucks prize for the winner, and commemorative tee-shirts for all those who are brave enough to participate. No need to sign up: Just come ready to EAT PIE!
For those who are inspired by the contest, or just by pies in general, here is a great recipe for Blueberry Pie. There is nothing better on a summer evening than a slice of Blueberry pie topped with Vanilla Ice cream. Except for maybe Peach Pie, of course.
Steph’s Grower’s Market Blueberry Pie
- 2 pie unbaked crusts (homemade or store-bought)
- 5 cups fresh blueberries
- 2/3-3/4 cup sugar
- 3 TBL all-purpose flour
- ½ tsp ground cinnamon
1) Preheat oven to 375º
2) Roll out 1 pie crust, and line the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate.
3) In a large bowl, combine sugar and flour. Stir in berries and cinnamon. Toss gently to coat.
4) Transfer berry mixture into lined pie plate. Cover with second pie crust, cutting slits in the surface. Seal and brush surface with milk and sprinkle with sugar.
5) Cover edges with foil. Bake at 375º for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25-30 minutes or until filling is bubbly and pastry is golden. Cool on a wire rack.
So, in a few weeks, once the blueberries are ripe for the pickin’ and sitting pretty at the Grower’s Market, be sure to snag some for your own homemade pie!
Until then, get all the Dad’s in your life to come out and compete for the title of Grower’s Market Pie Eating Contest CHAMPION!
Weekend Market News:
1) Father's Day Pie Eating Contest at 10am (and possibly 11am)
2) This Saturday is also the WCGM’s 2nd Food Drive of the summer (look for this every 3rd Saturday). Vendors and customers can donate money or food, which will go to The Salvation Army.
3) NEXT Saturday there will be a Free Composting Demonstration by the Chester County Extention Serivce. Customers who are interested in purchasing a composting bin from the extension service must sign up THIS week to order one. They are $20.00. Sign up sheet will be at the community table at the market or ask any vendor
That is all for now! Check in next week, and we’ll see YOU at the Market tomorrow!
Come on Bill... think how proud Lucy will be of her Dad!! :-) Laura