I'm not sure about your kids, but my girls come off the bus ravenous. Before even getting a "Hello, Mom! I missed you! Let me tell you about my day" (which, let's be honest, never happens), I get a grumble that resembles some form of "I'm hungry. I need a snack. Stat."
There is a balance to be had when whipping up after school snacks. On one hand, kids are hungry after a big day at school, and need nourishment. On the other hand, it's close enough to dinner time that I don't want them chowing down and totally ruining their appetite.
So, I try my best to "treat" the kids with small, yummy snacks that will tide them over until mealtime. I like that it's a way to give them something special as a reward for working hard at school.
Giant Food Stores is a great resource for healthy after school snacks. I love their Nature's Promise organic brand, as there are so many tasty options that have a sneaky helping of nutrients, too!
Here are 5 of our favorite "sneaky healthy" after school treats:
Granola Bars
We always stock up on granola bars at Giant. I like that I can trust the ingredients in Nature's Promise granola bars, and my kids think they are getting a total treat because they are filled with things like fruit and dark chocolate! As of late, I've been particularly fond of the Ancient Grains and Chia granola bars. They are delicious and pack an extra nutritious punch! Granola Bars are also totally totable, which makes them a good on-the-go after school snack when you have activities, lessons and practice.Carrots and Ranch Dressing
This is a great way to get kids to consume some veggies. I put out a bag of Nature's Promise Organic Carrots and a bowl of Nature's Promise Organic Ranch Dressing. It's a big hit in our house!
Granola Chips, Almond Butter and Special Toppings
I wish Granola Chips had been invented when I was a kid. SO yummy - and a great way to scoop up extra protein! Almond Butter is my go-to when trying to add something sweet but also filling. After school, it's a solid way to give the kids something that will "stick to their ribs" until dinner (which means they aren't telling me every five minutes that they are hungry. Again. Still. Always). I scoop some almond butter in a bowl and top with things like coconut flakes and mini chocolate chips. Then let the girls scoop it up with granola chips. Win! You can also make "granola chip nachos:" spread the chips on a plate. Then, heat up the almond butter in a microwave-safe bowl for 30 seconds, until it is thinned. Drizzle the chips with the almond butter and top it with coconut, chocolate chips, raisins, etc.
Organic Fruit Twists
Plain and simple. This is a win-win for us: they get a gummy treat, I get the secret knowledge that it's organic and good!
Yogurt Parfaits
We do this for breakfast sometimes, too. In a bowl, layer Greek yogurt and granola. Sometimes, if it's been a particularly rough day at school, I top with a dollop of whipped cream!Now go treat the kiddos to something delicious...and HEALTHY!

To give you a jump start in offering healthified after school snacks, Giant is awarding one of my lucky readers a $25 gift card! To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below. Happy winning - and cheers to a great school year!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was provided product and monetary compensation for this review and giveaway. All opinions are my own.