So, as I've stated earlier, my birthday is next week.
And I thought it was so kind of Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman herself, to purposely steer her book tour to West Chester, PA for the occasion.
That's not quite how it is going down. But a girl can dream, can't she?
I've recently become a huge fan of The Pioneer Woman blog. Let me take that back. I enjoy the blog. But I've become a fan of Ree's life. As a blogger myself (and a mediocre one at that), I know it takes a lot of talent to write about your life.
And make it interesting.
Ree is an amazing writer. She is hilarious. Real. Honest. Disgusting. Lovely. Awkward.
I'd like to think we are kindred spirits.
If you don't know Ree, take some time to check out her blog. Need a place to start? Check out Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, her mini-saga true life Love Story to Marlboro Man. View her awesome photographs. Go to google and search for the definition of "calf nuts."
And PLEASE check out her RECIPES. Oh the recipes. Glorious, glorious, no-fat-spared recipes.
And get thee to The Chester County Book Company THIS SUNDAY, December 13, at 2:30pm. Ree will be there (in all her awesomeness) sharing about her cookbook, her life, and hopefully samples of her food.
Will there be food?
(Please, Ree? It's the day before my birthday?)
So, you have a few days to study up on your Pioneer Womanology. And to grab her cookbook. And to become a huge fan. And to head to the Chester County Book Company in West Chester, PA.
And then bring me gifts because her signing is the day before my birthday.
Hope to see you there!
What: Ree Drummond IN THE FLESH
Where: Chester County Book Company, West Chester PA
When: Sunday, December 13, starting at 2:30pm

She is awesome! I recently read a post that someone wrote about going to see her at a signing. They said she took her time with each person and was super gracious and nice to everyone. One thing to keep in mind, is that you need to get there waaaay early. The girl who was blogging about it was there for HOURS because she was one of the last groups called up to get her book signed. At this signing, they gave people wristbands based on what time they arrived, so if you get there early you could get a better wrist band. I feel like I'm rambling now...but I just didn't want you to have to wait for hours if you don't have to :)