I know it's still August (albeit the last DAY of August, but August nonetheless).
I know that we (technically) have a solid month until the glorious season of Autumn begins.
I know that many of you out there are still clinging to the last strings of summer.
But I love Autumn. And I jump at any chance to speed up her arrival. Every cool evening, I throw on a sweatshirt (even if it means sweating a bit because it's not quite that cool). Starting September 1, I begin to scour for the 10 day forecasts, in the hope of cool weather trends.
And I steal every chance I can to make Autumn-worthy meals (hearty roasts, thick soups, etc).
It is days like today that inspire me to do so. Here in southeastern PA, it is "cool." Not cold, per se. The high will probably still get up to 73. But it is overcast, it feels cooler than it has all month. And, the morning has been delightful (the lows were in the 50's).
I am considering on a roast for dinner (Sweet and Savory Pot Roast, perhaps?), but I have a recipe I'd like to share as we begin to welcome Autumn in all her splendor.
I have spent YEARS trying to find a good Chili recipe. I have used several, with ho-hum results. I have found that they are either bland or flavored completely wrong. I am so often disappointed. One day I was flipping through the little cookbook that came with my Rival crockpot (don't disgard these little treasures that come with your kitchen appliances! They have great recipes!), and found a Chili recipe. I tried it out.
It was AWESOME. Here's why I liked it:
It was SIMPLE (which is important to me, because I don't want to go on a wild goose chase for some rare pepper or a spice that can only be found in one store 50 miles away).
It was QUICK (Apart from the "time consuming" browning of the ground beef, it took all of 10 minutes to get the ingredients into the trusty slowcooker - and then time took care of the rest).
It was TASTY (Spicy without being torturous, flavorful without being overly stimulating).
So, I give it the Steph's 2 Thumbs Up. This is a KEEPER RECIPE for sure. And you know that means a lot, coming from a girl who has been sorely disappointed the past few years in search of the Perfect Chili Recipe.
I have tweaked it a bit - if you want the original recipe, email me and I can forward it to you. I have found that the little adjustments are more tasty and convenient (ie: no need to work with dried beans). DON'T be intimidated by the AMOUNT of ingredients. I 0ften pass over recipes that have too long of an ingredient list. While they seem like a lot, it is mostly cans of beans and tomatoes that just need to be opened, drained and dumped.
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Simple Supper Mondays
Steph's Slowcooker Chili
- 1 can of Black Beans, rinsed and drained
- 1 can of Red Kidney Beans, rinsed and drained
- 1 can of Pinto Beans, rinsed and drained
- 1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes
- 1 14.5 oz can of dicecd tomatoes WITH zesty mild green chilis
- 2 lbs Ground Beef/Chuck, browned and drained
- 1 green pepper, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 tsp minced garlic
- 3 TBS chili powder
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp salt
Put all ingredients into the slowcooker in the order listed above and stir. Cover and cook on low for 6-10 hours (adjust for your slowcooker - mine was ready in 6, but the longer it cooks, the better it tastes), or on high for 3-5 hours. Top with sour cream and cheese if desired.
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Seriously. It is tasty. Perfect for those cool Autumn nights, Halloween parties, or Football Games. This makes a good bit of Chili, so we always enjoy the leftovers for lunch or dinner the following night. Great for a crowd!
Check back later this week, as I will be doing one last salute to summer. As I have with Memorial Day and Independence Day, I will post a Labor Day Cookout Menu before the weekend!
Until then, keep sending me your recipes! Do you have a good Chili recipe worth trying? I am on the prowl for Soup and Stew recipes as well. Good-bye Summer, Hello Autumn! Email them to me at
Have a good week!

I have also been looking for a good chili recipe- I'll have to give this one a try. Thanks for posting it!