I'd say 98% of us can all agree c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e is the bees knees, amiright?
The other 2%?
I'm not sure what to do with you.
Because chocolate is quite possibly one of my favorite things. Baked into cookies, topping my ice cream, melting in my mouth. It can completely heal a bad day. And did I mention it is one of the important ingredients of my other favorite substance to grace this earth (cough cough Nutella cough cough)?
So I'm about to get all hot and bothered over the fact that one of the premiere chocolate makers, Ferrero Rocher, is having a fabulous 24 Days Wrapped in Gold Sweepstakes over on their Facebook page.
Why am I all hot and bothered?
Well, firstly CHOCOLATE.
And secondly because Ferrero Rocher is giving away one indulgent gift per day until December 25. Which means there is, like, a weeks worth of indulgent gift winning to be had.
Like, clothing, jewelry and luxury trips kind of indulgent.
So people?
Get thee now off of this blog post, head over and Enter to win on Ferrero Rocher's Facebook Page!
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited. Open to legal residents of 48 contig.U.S & D.C., 18+ w/ valid email & Facebook acct on date of entry. Starts 12/1/13 at 9:00 am (ET) and ends 12/25/13 at 11:59 pm (ET) w/ 25 daily entry periods beginning at 9:00am (ET) and ending at 11:59 pm (ET) each day. For complete details, including entry & prizing details, see Official Rules @ http://bit.ly/1eWIYtv.

Disclosure: I received a free box of chocolates and a gift card for writing this post. All opinions are, as always, my own.