Fact: Water is essential for human survival.
I don't have a citation or anything because I think the fact that water is a human necessity is just common knowledge. Plus I've watched enough Surivorman to know that you can't live very long without it.
This past summer I took on the challenge to drink 64 ounces of water per day. I wasn't competing with anyone; this challenge was simply for myself. We've all heard how important it is to drink 8 cups of water a day (8 cups being roughly 64 ounces). And it occurred to me this summer that I'd never taken that seriously. In one of my cooking magazines I read that a chef challenged all of his employees to drink more water and some of them started losing weight. Weight loss? Don't mind if I do. I'd also started running again, and the need to hydrate became even more important.
One of the biggest reasons I started the Water Challenge was that I was getting headaches more regularly. I'd never thought much of this. But a few weeks after I began drinking the recommended amount of water per day, I realized I wasn't getting headaches anymore. I took this as a sign that perhaps my headaches were an indication that I was never hydrated as much as I ought to have been.
I've continued strong in my Water Challenge, rarely missing a 64 ounce day. My headaches are at bay (most coming on when I've skimped on water), and when I am hydrated correctly I am less likely to cramp up on a run.
Water is good. But so are nutrients. And as I continue my Journey to Healthified, I'm realizing the importance of maintaining vitamins and minerals for my health. While water is awesome, it lacks any extra nutritional value.
Then I was introduced to Omega Infusion.
And it was like that Friends episode when Chandler asks Joey to choose, "The girl from the xerox place, buck naked, or a big tub of jam."
Water on one hand, nutrients in the other. What is the best option?
Put your hands together.
OMEGA INFUSION is a line of enhanced water beverages. Enhanced NOT with sugar, friends. But with nutrients. Wonderful, healthy vitamins and minerals. In OMEGA INFUSION enhanced beverages you'll find:
- 80 mg of Omega-3's
- Vitamin B (read: ENERGY)
- Vitamin C (read: ANTIOXIDENTS)
They are also sugar free, zero calorie and come in four delightful flavors: Berry, Fruit Punch, Citrus and Orange.
Can I get an amen?
Get your hydration and vitamins all in one place. I deem it AWESOME.
To learn more about OMEGA INFUSION and where to find them, visit their website: http://www.omegainfusion.com
Now go and get yo' hydrate on!