A list, in no particular order, of the things that did not NOT happen over the last 2 days
- My 21 month old waking at 6am
- Putting on the only slippers I own (large furry atrocities in the shape of cows)
- Falling, bleary-eyed, down the steps with said 21 month old
- 21 month old completely fine
- Knee in such pain I can't help but worry it is torn
- Crying
- Trying to recuperate all day with injuries from the fall
- Visit to 4 year old's preschool
- Whip up yummy dinner despite knee pain
- Go to work at the Y for a few hours
- Get a call from Hubby that kids are out-of-control cranky
- 21 month old refusing to eat dinner
- 21 month old completely beside herself, put to bed early
- Getting home from work to a worn out husband
- Spending the evening trying to ice the knee and discern the extent of damage
- Blogging
- ::SLEEP::
- 21 month old waking at 5:45am just to mess with me
- Crying
- Waking to find that my knee still hurts from falling down the stairs with said 21 month old the day before
- Waking to find that while the knee still hurts, back seemingly took the brunt of the fall, and I could not do any moves except The Robot
- Crying
- Drinking of Coffee
- Having a 21 month old still teething
- Said teething 21 month old responding to her own pain by being disagreeably cranky and needing to be picked up.
- Did I mention my back felt like it snapped in half?
- Crying
- Sibling fighting reaching new heights
- Watching TV
- Taking business phone calls and responding to work emails
- Crying
- Walking up the steps and hoping my busted knee does not give out
- Yelling (I'M SORRY :[ )
- Drinking of Coffee
- Nursing my poor, battle-wounded body
- More work
- Watching Food Network
- Explaining to my 4 year old that while I loved Dinosaurs when I was her age, dinosaurs did not, in fact, roam the earth during my childhood
- Crying
- Potentially more TV
- Taking another business phone call
- Thinking the kids were in the next room only to find they had snuck upstairs
- Finding 21 month old on the upstairs landing COMPLETELY SOAKED head to toe
- Finding 4 year old in a very wet and slippery bathroom
- Sending 4 year old to her room once it was discerned that whatever water mess occurred was of her doing
- Discerning that, for the second time this week, the 4 year old decided to wash the 21 month old. With hand soap. In the bathroom sink. With cups. On the bathroom floor. Both children being completely clothed at the time.
- Crying
- Potentially more coffee
- Cursing inside my head
- Attempting to maintain my cool
- Resistance from the Child Forces to pack up and visit their grandmother
- An attempt, with a broken body, to put 2 sets of shoes on 2 wriggly kid feet as well as my own
- A semi-serene 30 minute drive to said grandmothers house
- Thinking about season premieres on TV later that night
- Thinking of wine
- Thinking of crying
- Thinking of Nutella
- Repeatedly chanting in my head, "I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN"
- A chaotic dinner at grandmother's house
- A trip to the local grocery store wherein 21 month old screeched (happily) and touched EVERY. ITEM. IN. THE. STORE
- A 4 year old who, during her bath and profuse apologies from her mother for being such a crappy mom all day, said, "Don't worry Mom. Tomorrow dad is home, and we'll all 3 take care of you and your back tomorrow"
- Crying (this time sentimentally)
- A 30 minute drive home
- Immediately putting cranky 21 month old to bed
- Snuggling 4 year old on the couch
- Putting 4 year old to bed
- Sitting on the couch with a large bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with crushed pretzels and Nutella
- Watching great season premieres
- Knowing that tomorrow is a new day
How has your week been going? :)