Dear Hub TV Network
Here's the deal. I don't really know you. I'd love to know you, as I've seen you from afar. I've caught glimpses of your schedule. But, since we are on the lowest Verizon tier, we do not get to experience the fullness of your glory.
At least, I thought I couldn't.
Confession: I've taken a liking to perusing Verizon's On-Demand button.
It's the little things in life, isn't it?
There is plenty you can pay to see On Demand: movies, tv shows. But, there is a lesser-known On Demand universe, one that is not fully appreciated.
You see, there is FREE stuff On Demand.
This discovery has breathed new life into my sometimes-monotonous days. There are TV series I can watch if I miss. There is a small assortment of free movies. And there are networks of children's channels and shows that I can pop on for Little Chica if there is nothing currently worth watching.
It's awesome.
Sometimes I find myself completely caught up in a maze of TV mystery and intrigue. Like some online funhouse, there is no end to trap doors, sneaky hallways and open windows one click through to explore what Verizon On Demand has to offer: games, trivia, fitness, language, nearly unknown shows...
...And shows you might have all but forgotten.
What a treasure it is to happen upon a show from another season of you life. One time I saw that HUB showed reruns of The Wonder Years (hands down one of the best TV show ever to grace cable), as well as Family Ties and Doogie Howser, MD (I LOVE YOU NEIL PATRICK HARRIS!). After totally peeing my pants (and subsequently changing them), I clicked on the guide to be taken to that channel. Only. We don't get HUB. And I mourned my loss. So I then immediately went to On Demand to see if we could catch it there. And there is was! So I clicked on it! Only to be given a message reminder that we don't subscribe to that channel. So I mourned again.
Until today. Today made up for every missed opportunity I've ever had with On Demand.
Earlier today, I was looking through the Free Kids Shows category. We almost always go to Sprout (which we also are not subscribed to. Sadness) or PBS Kids. I wanted to shake things up a bit, so I continued clicking through other options in the category. It did not take long to find there are shows from HUB in this section. I didn't get my hopes up, as I've not been able to watch other shows from HUB on Demand.
But then one amazing TV show caught my eye and I fainted and woke up and fainted again. Yes, friends. HUB offers:
Holy retro tv, Batman! My fingers shook as I clicked over to the show. With heart racing, I selected my option, said a prayer and pressed the button.
And I heard this...
Outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous! With all of its big hair, synthesized music, cheesy animation and implausible story lines, there was Jem in all of her glory. Can I tell you that I somehow, even after 25 years, still remembered all the words? I took it all in.
It was so 80's it hurt.
But the good kind of hurt.
I still have no idea why they painted their faces like they were in the broadway musical Cats, or why one pair of earrings held so much power. But I don't care.
HUB, thank you for your amazing taste in old-school television. You have top-notch variety of 80's and 90's TV shows and cartoons. I will continue to gaze at you from afar, hoping that today might be the day Verizon decides to let me subscribe to you. A day when I might be able to watch nostalgic tv shows freely and proudly on your television network.
Until then, carry on, friend. Carry on.

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