My Little Chica is social. And, I have learned it is good for BOTH of us to get out and socialize with other human beings on a regular basis. If you need proof of this, read about our Time Without The Car (to the sound of my crying and gnashing of teeth).
Now that she is almost 18 months old, it is my hope to get Little Chica into a class of some sort. There are tons of these classes with various names - Mommy and Me, Gymboree, and other general music and physical activities. These classes are a wonderful way for Little Chica to be around kids her age. The more she is around other children, she learns how to communicate and interact appropriately. I also love meeting other parents.
It's true. I like making friends. Want to hang out?
Here is another truth (atleast in my life) about these classes: they cost money. And as I've looked through the opportunities to join some of these classes, I threw up a little bit in the back of my mouth after looking at how much they cost. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I have had to quickly read through class summaries to make sure these were hour-long classes and not private colleges.
Really? COME ON.
We live on a tight budget. Tiiiiight budget. And I do my best to be as frugal as possible. I have found that it is quite possible to be frugal without giving up the great gift of social interaction. I found the solution at my local library.

That's right. The local library. Here in West Chester (outside of Philly), each library is part of the Chester County Library System. And most of them hold a Children's Storytime. I've been apart of it for 2 sessions now, and a 5-week session has cost me all of $6. If you live within certain townships it is FREE.
I also know that our local book store, The Chester County Book Company, has a free story time once a week.
Do you live locally and want more ideas on frugal playgroup ideas? Check out Chester County Moms. If you live in the Philadelphia area, this website is a treasure chest of great area resources. They often post inexpensive and free events/playgroup opportunities in the area. CHECK THEM OUT!
So, check out your local library or book store for Storytimes. Head over to Chester County Moms (or your local area Moms website) for new and creative meeting ideas. And if all else fails - CREATE YOUR OWN! There are so many great places to meet, and it just takes 2 or 3 Moms (and their kids) meeting to start a fun trend. :)
Do you have more information on inexpensive or free playgroups/storytimes/kiddy events in the area? Email me at

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