
December 3, 2012

Motivation Monday: Finding the Quiet Place

This year I am determined to enjoy the holidays.

Now don't get me wrong. I always love the holidays. It's my fave time of year! But can we all agree it can be So. Dang. Stressful?

Yes. We can.

So my goal is to minimize the stress, maximize the fun.

I've been trying to think of ways to implement this in my life, seeing as we are now in December.  I'm trying to maintain the Holiday Detox suggestions I shared last week. And even now, as I begin to think through all that I need to do, the places I need to be and the stuff that needs to happen before the end of the month, my palms get sweaty and my heart starts to race.

The more I think about it, the more I realize I need to find a Quiet Place in the midst of the (holiday) chaos. I need to regularly step back from the hustle and bustle to refocus and reenergize.  Giving myself that gift allows me to be a better hostess, a better mom, a better wife and a better friend.

For me, a Quiet Place is time alone. It may be at home, baking cookies or enjoying the freedom to shower and nap for the afternoon. It may be out and about in the middle of the shopping frenzy of a mall. But to have "me" time, time where there are no constraints and no one else to to attend to, gives me what I need to give to everyone else.

I'd love to know:

What does your Quiet Place look like?

Leave a comment and share your ways to refocus and reenergize during the holidays!

(And let's hope that your Quiet Place is nothing like Happy Gilmore's Happy Place). 

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